Monday, 4 July 2016

Tips For Planning Your Child's Birthday

Budgeting really does come in handy, especially planning for your child's birthday. I can't get enough of planning a party,from writing the guest list to picking a date. It is easy to go overboard. Truth is you do not need to spend so much for the special day.
I am sharing a few tips to host your child's birthday on a budget

1. Set your budget

    Set your budget and go along with it. when other expenses are incurred, try to create a balance by  cancelling out items you can do without. At the end you will give yourself a thumbs up.

2. Create a guest list and stick to it

    A guest list should be a list of important people to you, close family an d friends. You would not want to invite a friend you last saw a year ago and you know the rest...

3. Get a friend or relative to help coordinate activities

4. Pick a theme

  Themes are a must because they set the tone to your party. Be careful not to go overboard, Simple color combinations with balloons can just do it.

5. Use digital invites

    As we are in a digital world, emails, apps like Whats-app, Facebook messenger etc makes invites much easier. There are many creative digital invites you can use to send to your guests. i will save       the topic of invites for another post.

6. A free music playlist

    Sometimes you do not need a DJ. If you can manipulate your iTunes, windows media player etc, you are good to go.

7. Plan for more snacks than the main food

    Children turn to take more snacks like popcorn, cakes, candies, ice-creams etc than real food. Prepare for more snacks than food which will go wasted at the end of the day.

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